The Poor Mans Burrito

Unless you know me personally you probably have no clue on where I come from and let me tell you now we certainly were not rich, but, my Mother always did her best to keep food on our table she did this by creating the most ingenious ways to take nothing and make a delicious meal out of it and in this series I’m going to show you how I took that idea and ran with it throughout my teen and adult life, starting right here with what I call the poor mans burrito so lets get started!


  • Tortilla wraps
  • 800g Mince
  • 500g Rice (whichever you prefer, I love brown)
  • Beef stock cube
  • 1tsp Cumin Powder
  • Salt + Pepper (to taste)
  • 1tsp Paprika
  • Either onions or onion salt will do
  • Garlic (to taste)

Recipe makes at least 25 large burritos and can be refrigerated or frozen to last a few meals. Personally me and my partner get at least 5 meals out of this!


  1. Firstly, you want to fully cook your mince in a hot frying pan as you are doing this you want to add all your spices and seasonings to the mince, this will cook the flavours into the mince.
  2. While this is cooking start the rice, DON’T FORGET to wash your rice first. Cook it until it is vaguely transparent then take it back into a sieve and wash again with hot water until the water runs clear. (You don’t want to be eating the amount of starch and plastic residue that comes of this)
  3. Add the mince to the rice and combine together well
  4. Now spoon your mixture into your wraps, wrap and pop onto a grill
  5. Literally, your done. Enjoy, just don’t burn yourself they are hot!

Did you try out this recipe? what did you think/ what did you do differently to make it your poor man burrito? Do you have any recipes you think are perfect for this series? Make a submission!

Not Saying No Is Not Consent

So firstly I think we speak to the parents who clearly don’t know what consent is themselves and are in turn raising future rapists. Here is a quick run down for you, the official definition of consent is ‘permission for something to happen’ the official definition of permission is ‘the action of officially allowing someone to do a particular thing’ and lastly the official definition of officially is ‘in a formal and public way’

“If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity.”

― Albert Einstein

Now we have that cleared up for you lets go through what your children need consent to do. When it involves another person Touching them, each and every sexual act(over 18s obviously) , hugging them, sending them erotic images (again over 18s). Basically, anything that might make anybody feel uncomfortable if a stranger just did it without permission (ohh, there’s that word again) there in a relationship already you say? And? Makes no difference the rule is without exception. In fact, the rule applies for you with your child.

“Consent is the line between human behaviour and bestiality.”

― Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Are you forcing your child to hug there aunt or kiss there Gran when they don’t want to? How about when you ask for a hug or kiss and they aren’t feeling it? Are you making them feel guilty by showing them a sulky face? What on earth do you think they are going to learn from this? They will learn that if they manipulate the situation and make the other person feel sad or guilty or in a position where they can’t say no, they will get what they want. They are learning that they and others do not have governance over their own bodies. You are breeding a sexual predator by not respecting your child’s body. It is their body, not yours. If they want to say no, leave it there.

‘Its not consent if you make me afraid to say no’

It is your responsibility to shape your child into a decent human being. Which includes treating them in a respectful way and teaching them to treat others in a respectful way. It’s that simple really. So cut that ‘boys will be boys’ bullshit out of your vocabulary and instead learn how a human should act!


Education is the most important thing to remember, everything is education and without it, the world we live in would be a much more awful place. Teach your children about their bodies, teach them boundaries, teach them what a yes is and more importantly, that everything else is a no. This is not just important for when they reach sexual maturity it is vital they understand all along. Did they ask another child for a hug? That child may be shy and not want to be touched, explain that. The child who doesn’t want a hug hasn’t done anything wrong, they have made a conscious decision about their own body. That should be rewarded, used to show your child how to act and treat people. Education doesn’t end, as far as I am concerned you learn until you die, there is always more to know.

For anybody still confused about what is not consent please take your time to read these next passages.

  • Are they unconscious? Is not a yes
  • Are they sleeping? Not a yes
  • Have they been drinking heavily? Not a yes
  • Are they drugged? Not a yes
  • Are they wearing a thong? No, why would that be a yes
  • Are they wearing revealing clothes? Still, in no way a yes
  • Are they in a relationship? Nope, not a yes in the slightest
  • Did they say yes? No, then it is not consent


There are many things in a relationship that are expected, such as communication, emotional support etc, sex, is not one of them. If you are in a relationship and your partner often will guilt you with the whole, we hardly ever have sex, argument your answer should be, and? A relationship does not mean you have to give away your body when ever they want it. I wish somebody had told me this when I was younger as it is not something people discuss. It does not matter if you haven’t had sex in a year or a month you owe them nothing and anything they have to say in attempt to guilt you into saying yes is emotional abuse and not acceptable.

How about this, maybe you were feeling it not too long ago but have now changed your mind, this is fine! Anything they have to say except for alright is irrelevant and unacceptable. Your body, your rules.

If you are coerced, convinced or guilted into sexual relations this is not ok. This is not consent.

If you are reading this and relating more the partner you need to take a serious look at yourself and get help because how you are acting is not OK or even legal.

Do you guys want a longer article about this subject let me in the comments

How To Help People Experiencing Domestic Abuse

Do you think somebody you know might be suffering from domestic abuse? Or have you found out that somebody you are close to has been and is leaving the situation? What ever the reason you are here you are already helping. You might feel a little helpless in this situation but believe me sympathising and trying your best to understand means so much to people who are in this situation, even if they don’t know it just yet.

It has never been so important to stand up and do something, with everybody in lock down and abuse at an all time high with sufferers quite literally locked into their home with their abuser day after day they are becoming even more of a target and the amount of people currently losing their life to domestic violence and abuse has jumped drastically. If you do nothing it could be your friend, loved one or family that is next.

Don’t refer to them as a victim

Using this term gives the feeling of weakness, it creates this feeling that you are weak, you can not escape so why even try. This is one of many tactics used by abusers to keep things how they want them to stay, by telling them they are weak, they need them, they are nothing without them or that they couldn’t even cope with life if it were not for them. Anybody who has been through domestic abuse knows how difficult it is just to survive each day, to go through the day with the constant berating, name calling, threats and some times violence. They are not victims they are survivors. They have survived something that many people cannot even comprehend experiencing and becuase of this they are often left with PTSD or other health disorders. But they are here! They are still fighting and with help they can win the fight.

 685,000 male and 1,300,000 women subjected to domestic violence in 2018 alone

Understand what it is

Domestic abuse/violence, firstly, is the same thing. Don’t think that a person has not experienced domestic violence because they were never physically beaten by their abuser. The terms are used interchangeably, something which is unfortunately not commonly know and even the police will often get this wrong. To say they are different is to lessen one, and what are you lessening? To most people they think violence is worse than mental abuse. Please understand how wrong that is, you can’t imagine what it is like to live every day terrified of what mood they will be in, will they be yelling at you or is it going to be the usual self confidence rotting “jokes” maybe today they finally give in to their impulses and go through with the constant threats of violence. Living with abuse such as this is horrifying. You lose you, you lose everybody around you, you hate yourself, you hate them but you know you can’t live without them because your worthless. You hate every single day you are alive but what is your option? Take your life? What if you have children? Pets you love, Siblings? What happens to them? Will all of this just be put on their shoulders. It is a living hell, that becomes the most normal thing in the world to you.

Domestic- as a term means somebody who is or was part of your home life or a family relation. It does not just refer to people within a current relationship or of opposing genders. It could be somebody you co-habit with, it could be an Uncle, a Mother, a Father, a Sibling don’t think the general male / female couple is the only definer.

On average 2 women are murdered every week and 30 men are murdered every year due to domestic violence.

Know The Law

Knowing and understanding what your friend or loved ones rights are are extremely important. Odds are they don’t know themselves and don’t have the ability to look in a safe way or even the foresight to know what they are experiencing is wrong, it could be that they started life in an abusive home and have moved to an abusive partner, how are you to recognise something as wrong if it is all you have ever known? Be knowledgeable on laws in your own country look into the law of domestic violence and coercion and what rights they have.

If they do feel they want to go to the police and you want to support them you are going to need to know this. The police are under funded and extremely under trained in this field and quite often don’t actually know or understand the law and rights themselves. Once you have read up, don’t attack them with law quotes, it is good enough that you know their rights for the time being. If you have been witness or heard anything you can also, with their permission, go to the police and make a statement you can use this time to speak to the police about the law and their rights.

1.32 million domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes reported to police in 2019

The Police recorded only 746,219 of those crimes

Only 60,160 convictions where made

Understand What Denial Is

Many people experiencing domestic abuse have no conscious idea what they are being subjected to. Though, sub-consciously, you might find them asking questions or telling you little things about what is happening. Pay attention to what they have to say and do not push to hard. If a person is in a stage of denial ripping of the band aid in to fast a manner can often cause a total shut down and even a full break down of your relationship with them due to them being invested in which ever way that may be, to the abusive relationship.

It Is In No Way Their Fault

You think it is easy to walk away from an abusive relationship? How about if it is all you have known? Your confidence so low, the person you are completely crafted around what they want you to be, that you have no idea who you are without them?

What if you have children you are terrified of losing? What if you are financially reliant? Maybe you feel guilty? Maybe they have told you everything that happens is your fault? What if abuse is all you have ever known?

You add that to your low confidence, and it makes it something that wouldn’t even cross your mind. Why would it if your behaviour was the issue. Or, other hand what if it is your sick Mother who was abusing you? The Mother who has raised you, who you live with, who you love and rely on for your love and compassion? Would it be so easy to walk away then?

No, and judging them because they are taking a while or struggling to see through what is happening is only going to help the abuser. You are drilling their point home. Abusers love to control the mind of the people they are abusing, they create this control which by the end the person being subjected to the abuse can have no clue they are being abused. People use love, companionship, trust and loyalty to create these relationships and even the strongest willed people can become pray to these people. These people are predators and let me tell you they are good at what they do. They can slap you in the face talk for half an hour and have you saying sorry in the end. This is not you being weak willed this is them, them being monsters. Abominations even.

It can take years of therapy to regain yourself

Don’t expect a turn around over night once they have left the situation, if anything everything has just began. Expect many tears, fights, erratic behaviour and so much more. They have just experienced some awful times and are now being met with having to admit that to themselves which means reliving many traumatic times and seeing them through new eyes. Be there for them, be understanding and do keep suggesting therapies. Above all remember that this what is happening right now is temporary and is much worse for them than you. To begin with, CBT can be really helpful, it doesn’t help with the trauma but it helps teach you re train your brain. To stop blaming yourself and recognise what is your personality and what was crafted by the abuser. It may at times seem like it isn’t helping but stick with it because with hard work it will help.

Be Aware Of Triggers

Triggers can be anything that takes them back to what they experienced, in the right thereputic setting triggers are used but these are in safe spaces created by minds that have years of training and phd’s to prove it. You may think you know and understand what is best for the person but let me tell this, you are not a therapist and you can make everything 10 times worse. At the beginning it is best to avoid triggers when ever possible.

These can be anything, it can be a perfume, a certain holiday it can even be a certain way of holding them. Unfortunately, there is only one way to figure out triggers and that is by being triggered so this is both of you who need to work on this. It is important your paying attention, watch their body language, pay attention to quick mood shifts but they also need to be honest about it. Some triggers you don’t actually understand, especially if there are repressed memories, but to recognise that something happened and it made you feel a certain way is important. Have them makes notes of it, it will help to determine what the trigger is and what it is connecting to so that when the time is right it can be faced.

Let Them Talk In Their Own Time

Pushing somebody to talk about things their brain is not yet wired to compute can be like setting of a flash bang in a 2 person lift. A terrible, terrible idea, everybody gets hurts and nothing is better. Let them come to you, if they aren’t, continue lightly offering your support and information about therapies, if that doesn’t help you can always go to a medical professional and ask for help or advice. Talking is what heals us, talking is so important but is also sadly what many abusers will target. They will have them feeling that it is pointless, because that is what they want, they want them to feel helpless.

It is so important that they feel confident to come to you, that anything they tell you will be met by no judgement and that you will speak in the right places and listen at the right times. It is all about paying attention, if you look closely, you can tell when somebody is not quite finished talking, if they start a sentence and stop, give them a moment to finish it or a slight nudge if needed just a simple yeah? to indicate you are listening and they are safe to say what they are struggling to say.

Don’t Ignore It

What ever you do, if you see somebody is the subject of domestic abuse do something. We live in a world filled with people who wait for the ‘somebody else to do it’ don’t. This is how people die, we lose loved ones and the world loses the chance to help them. There are so many resources of help available out there please use any of them and find the help you need so you can get the help they need. If you are struggling to find the help or are nervous to call any of the help lines please feel free to contact me be it trough the site, through email, through any of my social medias. I will get your message and I will do all I can to help.

Where Can I find Help?

National Helpline

Womens Aid

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Very Well Mind




My Random Musings

Shane Dawson Is A Sexual Predator

Image by The Bui Brothers

I am ashamed to admit that I have for a couple of years been a huge Shane Dawson fan, I would watch every conspiracy video he did but not much else of his content. Today that has changed, drastically. This morning I woke to my partner telling me to look into the peodophilia claims that have been made about him.


Lets make one thing crystal clear. They are not claims, it is fact Shane Dawson is a sexual predator. If you need proof head over to Rainas thread on Twitter and you will be provided with proof in the shed loads. HUGE TRIGGER WARNING though, there are so many videos and audio recordings of him abusing young children.

“good job Lucy, but next time shake your tits more, and you, take of your jacket and show more”

Shane Dawson yelling at two 12 year old girls

After watching all of these I refuse to join in the conversation of it being up for debate, it’s not a joke, or funny, if you are willing to make these ‘jokes’ or commit these actions you are not only a sexual predator but you are also a paedophile. Here are just two reasons why, (FYI I could have listed numerous but just one of these acts is enough) Shane Dawson asked extremely young girls to expose themselves to him, he received a lap dance from a 12 year old girl after he filmed her giving another 12 year old girl a lap dance.

“So why is when somebody like, googles naked baby on google and jerks of to it they can get arrested? I don’t understand that”

Shane Dawson discussing why paedophilia is justified

Why is this an online issue? Why is this not a police issue? I realise in general the police are pretty fucking useless and in a lot of situations cause as much crime as they detect but surely actual video evidence should be enough to start an investigation and prosecute.

“I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this but she’s like sexy”

Shane Dawson talking about a 6 year old girl

We need to stop with cancel culture, like saying ‘Shane Dawson is over’ is anywhere enough of a punishment for what he has done. It is not. Not even close. He should not be above the law. Therefor, I suggest we start using the hashtag #imprisonshane.

“Damn, if iJustine wasn’t watching I would rape all of you”

Shane Dawson, while looking at pictures of young fans

Lets get the police to pay attention and maybe for once actually do their job.

My Random Musings

The Best 5 Point Skin Care Routine For Dry Skin

Good Morning Beauties

A good morning skincare routine is just as important as a good meal to break your fast from the night before. Your skin has been rubbed on the fabric of your pillow, oils drawn out and moisture soaked up over the hours of sleep.

If like me you wear make up most days you will definitely need a good smooth base. Now, a good smooth base has been almost impossible for me as a person who suffers with dry skin I have the blessing of never getting spots or acne but the curse of what I like to call crocodile skin. If your with me you will know exactly what I mean, if not, what it means is when my skin is un-nourished (all of the time if I don’t keep a strict routine) my skin likes to crack and peal and at its worst, bleed. Yup, not very pretty. So, next time you see somebody with no spot scars maybe think what they themselves might be putting up with before you tell them how lucky they are.

If you are like me and suffer from dry and damaged skin that can almost feel like it is burning when you are putting on what is supposed to a cream for ‘sensitive’ skin you might want to take a look at the products I use on a daily basis. None of these hurt, irritate or burn my skin and they leave my skin actually feeling moisturised all day, even through makeup protecting it until I take my makeup of in the evening and start my evening skin care routine. So without further ado here are my top 6 products dry skin humans should not live without!

  1. I always start with a makeup remover, even when I take it of the night before it is best to start with this. This Garnier cleansing water is perfect because it kind of gets my face ready for the rest of the routine it is oil based and I swear the first time I used it I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I have never, never had a makeup remover be this good and also this kind on my skin before. Before this I couldn’t even use any of them, I had to use coconut oil which is great but to do it every day at least once was a little excessive and started to clog up my pores.

2. Once any and all excess makeup is off and my pores are nice and clean I go in with a toner just a little more cleansing and protection for my dry skin. The L’oreal Paris Fine Flowers Toner in particular I love because not only does it smell phenomenal it really helps to sooth my red cheeks.

3. Quite important this next step and one often over looked is Sunscreen. It is always important to protect your skin from the UV rays but even more vital when in the middle of summer, especially if like me your natural skin tone is radiant white (I wish I was exaggerating but even light porcelain is too dark for me in the Winter)

4. What is the holy grail of skin care I hear you ask? Aloe Vera, pure Aloe Vera gel. This stuff is a miracle worker and one of those products I would definitely have take with me to a desert island. It moisturises, it is an anti-inflammatory, it gives pain relief to cuts and sun burn, it even protects against fine lines and wrinkles what can it not do?! Make me 21 again I suppose but it gets me close to looking it. I can’t say enough on how much I love this stuff. Just buy it, you can thank me later. I haven’t placed a link on this one because unfortunately the one I use doesn’t seem to be available online.

5. Last but by no means least is the moisturiser, Now I will say I do rotate my moisturisers I find it best my skin doesn’t get to used to one also some times I need a little more. For example cocoa butter as great as it is for my skin does still give me that burning sensation but I am pretty sure that stuff is the reason I didn’t age for years because I used it religiously. So, I try not to use that too often and mostly use either L’oreal Paris Wrinkle Expert with Calcium or Lacura Q10 both are incredible, around the same price point and I couldn’t pick a favourite. Honestly, my choice on which one to use is usually based of which is closer to my hand at the time. The Q10 is a serum which works a whole lot like a moisturiser but a little different so in the summer I will use both t=of these products applying the Q10 first.

So, there you have it my top 6 products I use everyday to keep my skin glowing and soft and as wrinkle free as possible. Do you have any products that you can’t live without or some you think I should try out? Drop them into the comments below and let me know

Everything You Need To Know About June’s Look Fantastic Mystery Box

I am such a sucker for anything with a mystery, so when I saw that Look Fantastic had a sale on their July Mystery Box I had to. 6 mystery products worth at least £50 for just £10? I feel like I would have to be crazy to say no to that. So, I ordered away and patiently waited (that’s a lie, when ever I am awaiting a delivery I’m at the door each morning like a dog looking for the postman) thankfully the wait was short lived and my box was delivered 4 days later. Took a couple days to test everything and now I am ready to give you guys all my thoughts on this months box.

Look Fantastic Mystery Beauty Box

If you are new to the Look Fantastic brand here are a few details you might want to know, if you are already a huge fan feel free to scroll on by and jump straight into the box!

Look Fantastic was founded in 1996 by Daniel Crown, growing up in a family where grooming was a daily part of life (his Father ran a health and beauty salon) it is no shock that he went on to stay in this industry and create quite an impressive website and business. Look Fantastic is now a Europe’s #1 premium beauty retailer with over 22,000 different products! Not too shabby ey? Ever the man for growth Daniel Crown has now entered into a huge partnership with The Hut Group which is a retail beauty network and has to even joined their board to help over see everything! An impressive man to say the least.

Now, lets not waste any time and jump right in. I have been so excited to share this box with you guys. There are so many products that I am completely in love with and may very well have jumped straight to the top of my favourites list!

Bella pierre Cosmetics – Kiss Proof Lip Cream In Miami Gloss RRP- £15

So this was the first one to jump out at me. I adore anything to do with lips, lipstick, lip gloss, lip exfoliants. I am a huge fan of anything to make my lips look full but also not give me that I can’t touch anything feeling. This lip cream is amazing and I will tell you why. Firstly it is full size, secondly, the colour is not only beauty but is so, so reflective of the light so has this crazy shine to it and thirdly, it is completely kiss proof. Like completely, a few seconds after applying it you can rub at your lips like crazy and it is not budging!

Regenerate enamel science – Advanced Toothpaste RRP£2.50

This one I though was a bit of an odd one to get in a beauty box but I am sold on it. It has a nice mintyness that isn’t overpowering at all if anything it fees like your enjoying a breath mint as you brush away. The paste itself looks like a crystal glitter which, technically shouldn’t matter but I love glitter so, plus to me. Teeth are left feeling extra smooth all day even after eating foods that usually leave a residue and there is no bad aftertaste or much of an aftertaste at all so feel free to brush before breakfast. Little hard to find one in this size but you can pick up a larger tube from Boots for £10 (currently £6.67 if you get there quick enough)

This Works – Deep Sleep Pillow Spray RRP £10

They couldn’t pick a better name if they tried because, this does work! I really struggle to sleep because I never switch off. There are always a million things going through my mind at night which is why I keep at least 3 organised and sectioned notebooks next to my bed so I can jot things down but since using this that hasn’t been a problem. I fell asleep almost immediately, if I did wake up I will fall back asleep straight away, my whole sleep seems to be one long deep sleep and the morning, I wake up so refreshed and ready for the day. I can’t sing the praises of this stuff enough I love it so much. The scent as well!! Oh my goodness, it is the most beautiful mix of Lavender, Vetivert and Camomile.

Balance me – Congested Skin Serum RRP£10

Unfortunatly, I couldn’t really test this one for what it is mainly used for as it is aimed to people who struggle with spots and acne and considering I get maybe 3 spots a year it isn’t really aimed to my skin, But, I did try it and what I will say is the scent is phenomenal it kind of wakes you up and almost feels like there is a soft breeze on your face where you have applied it. Also I have crazy sensitive skin and dry skin and this did not hurt or bother my skin at all.

The Balm Cosmetics – Foiled Again RRP £4

Sadly, when I opened this it was quite broken but other than this it is amazing the packaging is beautiful. With the top being held closed via an internal magnet it feels like opening a book a little bit, which with the comic book graphic on the front felt quite perfect. The colour is amazing, it is so highly pigmented and super easy to blend. The singles are quite difficult to find but you can buy the palette with all 12 shades for £27

Lord & Berry – Magic Brow RRP £15

If you are looking fora hard pencil that can draw precise lines this product is exactly what you are looking for! Can be sharpened to create a super fine edge and can be used to draw on each individual hair. Such a good product and is most defiantly going to be my new daily eyebrow pencil.

This box has been such a treat my star product of the month has to be the This Works Pillow Spray, I have used this for two nights now and both nights I have slept through gone to sleep almost immediately and woke up feeling pretty great. The total worth of this box is £56.50 which when compared to the box that only cost £10 that is such a crazy saving! Definitely one happy customer. Should I make this a monthly slot? Let me know what you think in the comments

My Random Musings

The Beauty Trend Taking The World By Storm

Animal Print Everything!

I am sure you have seen it by now, almost everywhere you look these days if it isn’t face masks for sale or the TikTok logo it is animal print but it is no longer just covering our bodies it is on the eyes, on the face even on the lips and I am living for it!
Now, I don’t know if this is down to Carol Baskin and The Tiger King but I would say so. Doesn’t matter, point is it is back and its everywhere! Give it a month and we will be back to 2005 and using hair dye to put some animal print in our hair

Below are some of the most beautiful examples of this trend in case you were planning on jumping aboard I know after seeing these I definitely am. Carry on reading and I will give you a quick tutorial on how you can jump on this trend!

I don’t know about you but I saw this trend and just had to jump on it immediately. I have done animal print before but never as a look it was always makeup for a costume so I am super feeling that this has came into the mainstream

Want this look yourself? Here is how to do it!

  1. First start with a primed and powdered base, I always use an eyelid primer then pat it down with a translucent powder to give myself a silky base Note: Ignore my lack of lashes they are there I am just a blonde

2. Next you will want to pack on your base colour, I went with a vibrant purple as I wanted more of a cartoon/ made up animal print. *Tip: if you want a clean line use a piece of tape give it a tap on your leg or hand or what ever is nearest to you and stick it from the corner of your eye up towards the tip of your brow.

3. So I wanted a cut crease look so I only apply the next colour to the sections that will have the print. I take a deeper purple and lay on what I can only describe as spots, imperfect spots. After this I cut my crease with a lighter colour

4. Next, you want to define those print details, take a black eyeliner or a fine brush and some snazaroo as I did and draw on a couple of lines on either side of the spots you drew in the last part. Make sure these are all different for a natural look

5. After this is time to add your wing. I love a dramatic wing, I don’t actually remember the last time I did a none dramatic wing. Take a black liquid eyeliner and sweep on your wings. *Tip: If you want to make life easier with your wings don’t ever complete one eye then start on the next. I do mine in at least three sections matching each on the other eye. If you want to know all my eyeliner tips and how I do my wings in record time drop into the comments and let me know.

6. Next, I take my white liquid eyeliner and draw on my under eye highlights, this helps to bring the lines in the makeup out and also highlight your eyes a little

7. I then take that same eye shadow we packed on to the top lid and dust it over the underneath of my lower lash line, this gives your eyes more of a fullness and I think kind of finishes of the look in a way. I will usually take a darker colour and dust that over the outer edge of the eye a little

8. Last but definitely not least is the lower eye black liquid eyeliner, this one you need to be careful, you don’t want it in your eye so slowly draw your lines on in a sort of sad face shape once it has dried use a small brush to dust over some black just to blend it in a little under the eye.

BONUS: So, this one does make the look a much more in your face look but I love the anime big doll eye look so when I finish my make up I will often take my liquid liner and draw on some lower lashes. I love the effect it gives. Did you try this bonus tip? Let us know in the comments what you thought of it if you did.

If you are wanting to know how all of our beautiful ladies did these looks be sure to hop over to their social medias linked below

𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐦

Trizxie Serrano

Siri Mae

Pam Tobin


Amy Wyatt


Top 9 British Cosplayers to watch out for

I absolutely love an excuse to dress up which is half of the reason that Halloween was always my favourite holiday growing up until I decided why the hell do I need a day to tell me I can be a mermaid for the day? …..

I don’t, you don’t. Stop telling us we do. I adore makeup and doing anything creative with it so doing cosplay to me is hugely reliant upon a good face of makeup, not everybody’s taste but is definitely mine so expect some makeup heavy cosplays!

A quick history of Cosplay

Before cosplay came costuming, an art form which began in Cincinnati, the first instance of this being recorded in 1908, It stayed as quite an ‘underground’ form of expressionism until the release of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in 1975, it was the fans of this new movie, a flash back to bygone sci-fi movies, that thrust both the b-movie and costuming into the lime light it became the done thing for fans to show up at the cinema in full costume to watch and engage with the movie as it was screened, it was for this reason that Rocky Horror quickly became a hit and also the longest-continuously running movie to date. Cosplay, is a term used to describe costuming and play. It began around 1984 in Japan when Nobuyuki Takahashi coined the term, since then it has become increasingly popular in Britain mainly amongst gaming and movie fanatic circles.

So, in respect for the wonderful craft that is Cosplay here are my top 9 Cosplayers to look out for if your in the UK and a couple of things they had to say on Cosplay

#9 – Chaos Quinzel as Harley Quinn

“I love cosplay as it allows me the freedom to express myself creatively. I’m never not making things! From wig styling to making foam armour, casting in resin to soldering jewellery or sewing an under-suit, cosplay has taught me so many skills, and even now I’m still learning new things. The cosplay community is so lovely and supportive, and I have met so many of my closest friends through the hobby ; it’s been an honour to watch their talents progress and improve over the years, too!”

#8 – Killer Quinn as Spider Gwen

“My favourite thing about cosplay is how creative you can be and how supportive the people and your friends can be about it all! Everyone is so sweet and helpful and I’ve never felt luckier to be in a community as I do now!” Photography by Thesteamtog

#7 – Soro-cos as Junko

“My favourite thing about cosplay is the sense of escapism it provides, the way you can leave your normal self behind to completely embody a character that not only means a lot to you but to others too”

#6 – Wayward af as Stansa Stark

“my favourite thing about cosplay is the creativity behind it! It can be anything you want it to be whether you mix match characters, make the costumes yourself, or just have fun sourcing costume pieces and putting stuff together. There are so many ways a person can put together a cosplay. It’s such a creative hobby and that’s why I love it” Photography by Samuel Triggs

#5 – Hannah In Wonderland as Mera

“My favourite thing about cosplay is the ability to become someone or something else. Your favourite superhero or villain, a role model or your favourite childhood character. It allows you to be creative and have fun.. whether that’s making a cosplay or experimenting with makeup/body paint or getting into character for an event or photo shoot.” photography By Si.VISUALZ

#4 – The Crystal Wolf as Wonder Woman

“I am a cosplayer who is more on the making side of things. My favourite thing about it is becoming a character, any character, of my choice. I love learning new skills along the way, problem-solving and gaining that sense of achievement. A lot of people work on a whole range of crafting projects, but cosplaying in particular means you get to experience your work by physically wearing it and have fun doing it!” PHOTOGRAPHY BY aLASDAIR wATSON

#3 – King Tide as Aqua Man

“My favourite thing about cosplay is being able to combine my creative abilities with my personal fandom for all things geeky. Visiting conventions and meeting other like minded people that share the same passion as you, that you wouldn’t necessarily meet in every day life. I’ve met some pretty amazing people along my several years of cosplay and cons, some of which are a big part of my life now” Photography by Toneagraphy

#2 – Carlaa Quinn as Harley Quinn

“So I got into cosplay November 2016 after doing Harley for Halloween and loving her outfit. Then after following some fan accounts on Instagram I came across cosplay and went for it and have now added so many more cosplays and I’m still upgrading Harls to this day.
My favourite thing about cosplay is definitely the confidence I get from it and also the friends too I’ve made so many life long friends I wouldn’t have met otherwise!” Photography by Unmadesugar Photography

#1 – Riot Rogers as Evil-Lyn

“My favourite thing about Cosplay is the creative process behind it. It’s not often in adult life that we get to make “useless” things just for enjoyment. There’s always this push that hobbies have to be productive and useful, that if you’re making something. “Why make a costume when you could make useful clothing to wear everyday?”. Cosplay, for me, is an excuse to make crazy outfits I would never have an excuse to wear outside of cosplay. I can make articulated armour, or a wizard hat that’s a meter and a half wide. It’s just creativity for the sake of it, just for your enjoyment.” Photography By anstellos

I would say my over all take is that the community is quite possibly the best thing about cosplay to its cosplayers, I personally look forward to this Lock down being lifted and going to my first con and telling you guys all about it.

Quick Harley look I did in honour of this post for you guys

Hope you guys enjoyed this countdown, If you want to see more like this send me a message, leave a comment or find me through any of my socials the name NAYLORTOAWALL will have you find me anywhere

Must Haves For The Dad In Your Life

Growing up my Dad was my idol, my absolute favourite person who taught me most of the things I know… Now that be how to play poker, console games, computer games, black jack and certain sports but I’m still pretty sure he was happy to have a girl… though maybe shouldn’t have been too shocked to find out I was bisexual.

He was my hero and still is, so at this time of year I like to find a way to tell him just how much I love him and how much it has meant to me to have him in my life. For me, the cards are the most important part, we have always done this thing where we try and find the card to make each other cry a little but if cards aren’t as important to you here is some of the must have gifts for the man you call Dad.

PC Transforming Stunt car £35

If your Dad is anything like mine then he also is just a kid in an adults body and will also love RCs Stunt car. With easy controls, 4 wheel drive and a body that moves kind of like a spider it is so easy to control and so fun to play with. Can be bought at MenKind for £35

Sega Mega Drive Mini Console £75

Sega Mega Drive Mini Console - Grey Background

I am a sucker for anything nostalgic, but this, well I know many, many Dads that when they were younger would enjoy a good go on the old Sega. I mean Sonic? Come on guys this one is kind of a no brainer of a gift, now admittedly a bit more expensive at £75 so maybe only if your a little more lush but if you can it’s definitely a great gift it even comes with 42 games already programmed into it, yes, that includes Sonic. Head over to MenKind for this one also.

Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure £10

Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure - Grey Background

I’m sure you guys have always enjoyed the novelty gift as much as me, I personally have bought my Dad enough games to play on the loo that I have lost count so when I saw this I couldn’t. Seemed perfect for in case my Dad ever felt he missed my Mum (we grew up with 6 cats, yup it was a nightmare) You can get these beauties from, yup, you guessed it, MenKind (I swear this isn’t sponsored by them they just have such a great range which is all kind of perfect for Fathers Day.

Engraved Wallet £29+

Fathers Day Gift for DadEngraved WalletPersonalized Brown

A new wallet is one of those all time favourites that most Dads are thrilled to get, this one is a little special because not only is it hand made it is made with real leather and with that magic technology that means nobody can swipe your card from within. You can choose to have it engraved in three places and choose what it is going to say in each place. A beautiful high end wallet starting at £29

Personalised Face Socks £8.49

Personalised Pets Children Photo Socks valentines Gift image 0

We know, It’s a shame having Fathers Day right in the middle of lock down but public safety comes first but fear not with these socks he can see your face where ever he goes.

Smart Phone 3 in 1 Lens Kit £12.99

Smartphone 3 In 1 Lens Set

I don’t know what it is with Dads but for the most part they all love to take photographs, they also seem to love their smart phones and their gadgets so these little lenses are perfect. Complete with a wide angle, fish eye and a macro expect some strange close ups of their eyes and maybe nose hairs… you never know

Personalised Beard Kit £22.99

Personalised Beard Kit

If your Dad has a beard this is a perfect little set for him not only does it come with all the bits it shows you can fully personalise the message on the front of the bag, it can say literally what ever you want it too. The possibilities are endless.

IWOOT Mystery Gift Box For Him £24.99

I mean, who doesn’t like a surprise and whats better than a surprise to him? a surprise to everyone. Its almost like when you buy a gift months in advance wrap it up and give it whilst having no idea what you originally bought. At least 7 mystery gifts and worth double what you paid for it I am sold!

Experience Days

iFLY Indoor Skydiving Experience for Two

Or if he is rather hard to buy for there is always the option to buy him a gift certificate for anywhere offering experience days, he could choose sky diving, race car driving, wine tasting, spa day.. there are literally hundreds for him to choose from, though he will have to wait till the end of lockdown but at least he will have something to look forward to.

Have you bought any of the gifts shown for your loved one and want to tell us all about them or something completely different. Let us know and drop a comment below

101 things to do during Lockdown

We are all stuck in the same lock down boat and we can either become potatoes, which I’ll admit can be a alluring idea but certainly not good for the health. So here is a list of 101 things you can do in lock down to help the time fly by.

  1. Read a book – I’m sure like me your guys have a mental list of books you want to read well now is the perfect time to get reading.
  2. Bake something sweet – cake, cupcakes a pie what ever your feeling! Go bake up a storm
  3. Bust out the board games – Board games seem to have gone unloved by a whole lot of people left in there cupboards to build up some duct. Board games are sure a great way to spend time with the family when stuck in, maybe leave the monopoly out of it though.
  4. Finally learn yoga – I’m willing to bet at least once in your life you have said the sentence I might try yoga, when better a time to find a way of keeping calm and keeping healthy and stretched than during a lock down?
  5. Start a new workout – I know, I know, work out euchk! But once you start the release of endorphins you get from exercise is enough to keep you going and also give you motivation to get other things done.
  6. Find ways to make more money – It’s always best to have more than one stream of income in fact, top earners claim you should always have at least three healthy streams of income so get online and start looking up how to increase your income
  7. Make some face masks – So I actually mean those wet style ones, you know the ones that clear your skin up. The fabric kind are obviously very important but so is some you time. You can find so many recipes online that you could make a different one every day for a year and still wouldn’t run out of new recipes to try.
  8. Write a short story – Find something you want to write about. It could be about your life it could be completely unrelated but you will feel so accomplished once its finished.
  9. Do some gardening – Plant some flowers, pull up the weeds, clear the toys that the kids left out there.
  10. Press some flowers – Go collect some wild flowers and get pressing there are so many different crafts to do once they are pressed and dried you can even cover them in sugar bake em and put them on top of some cupcakes.
  11. Make an emergency kit – Something that is always handy to have is an emergency kit, be ready for what ever is thrown at you, black outs wont be a problem if you are ready for them.
  12. Organise/De-clutter your home – Let’s be honest everybody accumulates stuff, I personally have a habit of picking up rocks.. why? not a clue but if you look around my house you will find countless add that to the fact I managed to find a partner with the same habit of collecting odd things and you now know why I am constantly have to re organise to keep things neat.
  13. Make some DIY furniture – Take yourself over to pinterest and pick a favourite and actually do it! Don’t just pin it and tell yourself you will one day, today is the day because when else is the entire world going to placed on pause?
  14. Have an indoor picnic – get a blanket, make some sandwiches and have an old fashioned picnic in your livingroom.
  15. Learn to draw – Are you as bad as me at drawing hands? How about eyes that match? Well practice makes perfect
  16. Start an online course – There as so many free online courses out there head over to FutureLearn and see what they have on offer.
  17. Watch a new movie – May I suggest the new Birds of Prey? Its amazing as is the newest Joker
  18. Binge Disney+ – Fill your mornings with the nostalgia of Kim Possible and Recess and your evenings with the good vibes from High School Musical and many other Disney originals.
  19. Write a novel – How many times have you considered writing a novel? once? twice? 47 times? Do it! you don’t know if you can do something until you try so why are you telling yourself you can’t?
  20. Write a song – Same as above, writing a song can often be a therapeutic way to de-cloud your mind, you might thing you are all right but you will be surprised what comes flooding out once you look behind the curtain.
  21. Learn to play an instrument – Have you always wished you could play guitar? Violin? Its time to buy one and just do it, there are many places online to help you learn not to mention virtual teachers and Youtube videos a plenty
  22. Visit virtual gallery – So many gallerys and museums often free virtual tours, go visit the met from the comfort of your sofa when else do you get to look around it in your panda pj’s
  23. Karaoke night – Why do you need a crazy night out when you can have a crazy night in, get your friends online and each take turns singing a song, you could even sing a duet
  24. Start a fitness challenge – Ok’ so there are a billion of these on Instagram and pintrest. Pick one stick to it see how plump you can get your rump
  25. Join the TikTok party – There is no such thing as too late to the party. Its no longer just for the younger teens or for the dancing divas download it make an app you would be surprised how much time you can waste on it watching videos.
  26. Find a pen pal online – Remember when you were a kid and would find pen pals from all over the world to speak to, why did we stop. Go online and find a new pen pal find out what lockdown looks like for them.
  27. Cook something new – Have you ever made Tai? Why not its delicious
  28. Design a new recipe – Yeah cookies are amazing but what if they had macadamia nuts and what if the sugar was a dark brown sugar everything is better when you make it to your personal taste. Just don’t expect to hit gold the first time. Baking is a fine science remember
  29. Learn a language – We are lucky to have many other people in this world that have take the time and effort to learn English so why are we not learning too? Do you know that Spanish is used more than English around the world?
  30. Make a fortune teller – Do you remember how many hours you used to waste with your friends playing with fortune tellers (also called chatter boxes) Be a child again while you can
  31. Deep clean house – I know, I know this one doesn’t sound fun but it so satisfying to walk around a house that smells like your walking through IKEA. Only way to do this is to super deep clean and fill your house with room themed fragrances i.e coffee in the kitchen is the best
  32. Design your own house on Sims – I am a complete Sims nerd and I am not ashamed to say it one of my favourite things is to try and create a square by square remake of my own home
  33. Practice nail art – We have all seen the pictures online and though, I could do that. Now is the time to learn considering nobody cares what your nails look like under gloves
  34. Practice creative makeup – I do so much creative makeup as a child who drew I grew up to do it on my face and I love it.
  35. Visit the Ritman Library This one might possibly be one of my favourite things out there, many many books on the occult and a heap of books pre 1900 thanks to a generous donation by Dan Brown, Yes, that Dan Brown
  36. Organise Photos – Get them of your phone on to your computer and create all the files you will thank yourself later when your feeling reminiscing and they are lay out perfectly
  37. Learn to make cocktails – Cocktails are great, they are bright and fun and taste delicious they are also super fun to make
  38. Mystery house tour – I’m sure, if your thing is things from the realm of the supernatural you have heard of the Winchester house, no not the Winchester boys no this is the house of Sarah Winchester. You know that crazy rich lady who built a maze of a house because demons told her to. you can now go on a virtual tour around, might be easier than a real life one, wouldn’t want to get lost in there.
  39. Write a bucket list – I’m sure since lock down hit it has got you imagining all the things you cold have done in the beautiful weather. write them down, get on Pintrest if you struggle for ideas you will find literally a bazillion
  40. Learn sign language – If there is anything worth learning it is this, I know bits of Makaton for my job and when my daughter asked if I would teach her I had never been so proud. You would be surprised how much it can make somebodies day to be able to converse when they usually can’t
  41. Organise makeup – My make up needs organising almost daily but since I bought actual organisers it has been so much easier, I know where everything is where everything goes and it is so simple to keep clean
  42. Learn Makaton – I mentioned this one above Makaton is basically baby sign language, a somewhat universal way of signing to people a lot of which is actions that feel extremely natural to what you are trying to convey
  43. Solve a mystery – Subscription boxes are kind of everything right now one of those boxes is the Finders Seekers box which gives you a new mystery and puzzle every month you can even win real prizes for solving it.
  44. Repair your clothes – I at all times have at least two bags of clothes waiting to repaired take some time and fix that jumper you love
  45. Update your linkedin and cv – A lot of people are having to change there profession during this time so taking the opportunity to update your business accounts and cv might prove to be quite important
  46. Guest write for a blog – Many blogs and sites are always looking for guest writers try looking for some we should be your first call though 😉
  47. Learn to code – Coding has became such a good skill to have in this digital age, they have even put it in to the curriculum at many primary schools.
  48. Look up your ancestry – Do you come from a Duke or a farmer or maybe both, finding out your heritage is always interesting
  49. Up-cycle furniture – Don’t just throw away that old dining set you would be shocked how beautiful it can look with some sanding and wood stain get yourself to Pintrest for lots of ideas
  50. Start a bullet journal – If you don’t know what this is head over to our post about Bullet Journals they can be a god send for keeping track of mental health, creating a structured day plan, and motivation over all. Also helps to not miss important appointments
  51. Up-cycle old clothes – So you tried to sew your jumper but its impossible, shame but don’t throw it away just yet yo can get a great pair of slipper socks out of those sleeves with a little cutting and stitching
  52. Clear kitchen cupboards – If you go to the back of your cupboards I’m willing to bet you will find something in a jar with a best before date of 5 years ago, nobody is eating that it is more than safe to throw away what kind of rainy day are you saving it for?
  53. Start a virtual book club – I love to read but I also have a strange love of enjoying discussing my book, my poor partner has to endure almost chapter by chapter catch ups on the goings on of my book might have to take this advice myself
  54. Wash makeup brushes – Did you know you are supposed to wash your makeup brushes every 7-10 days.. not every 3 months, just gonna leave it there I think we all are too busy washing our faces and furiously cleaning our never before cleaned brushes
  55. Listen to a podcast – There are podcasts on literally every subject you will find one you fall in love with and get addicted to
  56. Paint a picture – I don’t mean a smiley face on a piece of paper I mean grab a canvas and take your time create some art you can hang on your wall point to and say, I painted that and I love it
  57. Clear phone – I as an avid user of social media and a lover of photography have to do this constantly every week or so I go on my gallery and its back to over 1,000 images. Fact: phones run so much better when they are not filled with old pictures and old unused apps, clear those cookies as well guys your phone will thank you for it.
  58. Binge Netflix series – We have just had a new season of 13 Reasons Why there are many seasons of Orphan Black and have you watched Rick and Morty yet? Why not, hop to it
  59. Learn a lesson at Hogwarts – There is actually a website set up where you can go and enroll in Hogwarts classes, yes you heard me, I mean Potions, A history or Magic, Transfiguation and a crazy amount more
  60. Learn to play poker – My Dad taught me this when I was about 11 so let me tell you I will beat you all but still you should learn
  61. Practice some origami – You can make boes, t-shirts, blow up pop bang things… the possibilities are endless you may say
  62. Virtual Harry Potter tour – You might not be able to get to London right now but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the wizarding world. They are now running virtual tours which last around 1 hour
  63. Watch some animals live in their habitat – Go and check out what animals are up to right now in there natural habitat don’t believe me? Go see for yourself
  64. Teach your pet a new trick – I don’t have pets other than rats, who are supposed to be super smart but that seems to be an uphill battle but I did teach the neighbours cat to climb my leg for a treat… hope they don’t mind
  65. Have a virtual house party – Get everybody together get yourselves on Zoom and dance the night away
  66. Binge all the Marvel movies – I don’t need to say why, do I? erm… Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey?
  67. Play some virtual bingo – There are so many sites where you can go and do this you might even come out a little richer
  68. Clean your oven – Yup, I said it
  69. Learn calligraphy – I have always wrote in cursive because most of the ladies in my family do and they all liked to tell me how vitally important it was when writing letters that my handwritting be perfect… silver lining everybody seems to love my handwriting now
  70. Make your own cosplay – Order some foam and paint fins a tutorial and get to work but the time your finished hopefully the cons will be running again
  71. Go listen to some Shakespeare – There is a site where you can go an watch all of Shakespeare plays, watch them in order and add a little class to your sitting room
  72. Learn to tie-dye – You can even tie dye with bleach, on anything, t-shirts, napkins, cushion covers
  73. Make playlist for every mood – What ever I listen to depends on my mood and so often I star aimlessly at the music player with no specific artist I want to listen to, This is great for those moments..
  74. Clean out your junk draw/s – That way you can re-fill with 2020’s junk… usually if it hasn’t came out you don’t need it but if you don’t want to toss it throw it in a box labelled junk drawer and pop it out of site in your attic, problem solved
  75. Do a puzzle – You don’t have to be 50 to enjoy a puzzle, I love a good cross puzzle
  76. Binge Star Wars – I mean, If you haven’t watched it yet you probably should. I’m also currently making my way through for the first time.
  77. Learn how to save and budget – Yeah, I nearly laughed at this one too, little rich form me but you definitely should. You can find tones of apps that help on your app store
  78. Make a morning routine – The best way to start your day is to know what you are doing for the first three hours, this way you get things done early and are motivated for the rest of the day
  79. Binge Lord of the rings – This is also on my to do list as I feel kind of weird being nearly 30 and still having not watched it.. I love elves how has this even happened
  80. Learn from a celebrity – Masterclass is and amazing place where you can go any learn from celebrities who know the subject well currently this includes; Hans Zimmer, The RuPaul, Deadmau5, Samuel L Jackson and countless more its only £14.17 a month for all classes too, though annoyingly it is billed annually.
  81. Plan and prep your next week of meals – You will be so thankful you did this, good for your brain, good for your body and definitely good on your purse strings
  82. Clean all mirrors – Trust me you are not airbrushed they just dirty
  83. Make an Amazon wish list – I swear by these for holidays you can never go wrong if you have a list of things your partner, friend or family member has chosen to put in a wish list, also you no longer have to hint so there is that
  84. Binge all the Harry Potters – If I have to say why I am shocked and appalled
  85. Give yourself a mani and pedi – Just because you can’t get into a nail bar doesn’t mean your nails can’t look pretty do you partners too, nothing wrong with a clear coat
  86. Delete all your old contacts – You moved away from that garage 4 years ago, you think you still need that number, just in case? Your never going to use them why are they still there? Delete
  87. Write a letter to your future self – This is always fun, you can make goals or you can just thank future you for carrying on, we all have drama, we all have heartbreak, be kind to yourself
  88. Cancel old subscriptions to apps – You have to be tired of seeing that £3.99 go out of your bank monthly on an app you don’t use, go into your app store settings and click unsubscribe, it’s that easy
  89. Make a scrapbook – I always keep movie ticket stubs or random bits of ribbon from birthday cakes if you do to a scrapbook is the perfect place to put these, a couple of pictures and a little writing about the day and you will never forget it
  90. Start a recipe book – Why not start your own family tradition recipies and note them down in your own recipe book. For all you know you could be the next Betty Or Jamie
  91. Watch a documentary – If there is something you don’t know too much about the best thing you can do for society is educate yourself, just remember every editor is biased to there own opinion, I myself am it is human nature so never watch one and take it for fact watch a couple, read and make your own decision
  92. Study something, anything – In the UK the government is currently working with a company offereing classes for free for anybody who is wanting to take part, all online and and all can be done in your spare time without costing you a penny. There are so many things like this if you look around
  93. Treat yourself – Go online and buy that thing you have been wanting for ages
  94. Write a to-read list – Do you screenshot books you want to read or note them down somewhere, find them all and write an actual list and start making your way through. You might find a new all time favourite
  95. Listen to an audio book – I adore audio books, when I am struggling with insomnia I listen to them so often so that I am not distracted by watching TV. Mostly I listen to my favourites but its nice to listen to new ones every once in a while
  96. Clean out your car – Find that weird smell, clean your carpets, wipe down your dash and enjoy a squeaky clean new car feeling
  97. Change career – If ever there was a time for a complete 360 on what you do it is now, It’s a big decision to make but it may be the best one you ever make so give it some real consideration. Are you happy in what you do? Forget what your parents told you, you are supposed to love and have doing your job otherwise whats the point?
  98. Review bank statements – Take your last 3 months bank statements and work out exactly where your money has been going. If you are spending more on pizza than you are on your electricity you should probably spend less on pizza
  99. Write a five year plan – You don’t have to keep to it, life is ever changing and the person you are now may be a stranger to the person you are in 5 years but it is still always healthy to have a direction you want to move in clear in your mind
  100. Update passwords – Most people don’t change their passwords anywhere as much as they should and because of this they end up with ex’s using there Netflix.. no I joke but being hacked can be a real issue with the amount of personal information you have on your accounts that you wouldn’t want others to have you should really be changing them every 3 months or at least making sure you have 2 factor verification for all logins where you can
  101. Backup phone – I kind of touched on this earlier but recently I thought I lost my phone (I hadn’t it was hiding in the car which kind of calls back to clear your car) I was so devastated because not only did I have work on there and many many images I had shot for various brands and people I also had no tracker on it, needless to say that is fixed now and if you don’t I suggest you do the same and try to back up as often as possible

Have you enjoyed this list, let me know what you have got up to through lock down in the comments and I would love to see any images of anything you have done of the list

My Entire Table Top Gaming Collection

So, I have always been a big lover of games starting with board games, then PC games then console games but always circling back to board games/ table top games. There is something so satisfying about the touching the pieces and the kinetic energy in the movement (Yes, I’m a nerd get over it) I now have a partner that embraces my love for games so have been able to start building a collection, so here it is, my prized possessions in no particular order

Plague Inc. – One of my all time favourite games, started playing this one as a phone game a few years back but everything changed when I bought the actual tabletop game. Could be preference but I much prefer it

Life Fame Edition – Arguably no where near as good as the original which alarmingly I no longer own but still fun. Instead of filling your car with your family you fill your limousine with your entourage

Monopoly family guy – Before Rick and Morty there was American Dad and before that there was Family Guy. My favourite monopoly to play when I’m feeling a quick 4 four hour game

Make your own oploy – Haven’t gotten around to actually making my own ‘opoly’ yet but it is on the list of things to do during this quarantine. Can not wait to write up all the cards and plan out the chance cards

Monopoly Cheaters – OK, so I defiantly have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love that it comes with an actually handcuff for you to wear while in jail but I hate cheating and am yet to finish this game with actually completing one of the cheat challenges.

Monopoly Millionaire – A new addition to my ever growing monopoly collection and one we are yet to play so can’t really comment on this one but I look forward to playing it when I get around to it

Rick and Morty Cluedo – Cluedo was one of those games that as a kid I always wanted so when it appeared under the tree one Christmas recently I was so happy! The fact that it was themed to one of my favourite shows was such a bonus

Original Cluedo – Well I couldn’t not have the original could I? Sort of original, it does come with some new faces.

Jumanji –  “I’ve seen things you’ve only seen in your nightmares. Things you can’t even imagine; things you can’t even see. There are things that haunt you in the night; then something screams, and you hope to god you will not meet the same fate.” A great man said these words, I’m yet to turn into a Monkey or run from a Rhino but it’s a pretty decent game

Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit – What kind of Harry Potter nerd would I be without some form of Harry Potter quiz game. Now, stop messing around and bring out a Monopoly!!

Total Rickall – Is a 2-5 player co-op deduction game designed by Matt Hyra (also the designer for Batman: Arkham City Escape and so many others) where you try and figure out who is the parasite and who is real. I adore a co-op game so this one had me sold immediately and is one of those games you can pop out when ever you have a spare half hour to fill.

Pandemic – The Daddy of all board games my favourite of all time. This game is a mix of team work and strategy which is different every time you play it and once played enough times you can switch and change the rules with your board game buddy (make sure they agree) to keep it fresh.

Pandemic on the Brink – What’s better than the best game in the world I hear you ask? The best game in the world with even more things to do. More characters a new virus and even more ways to play, I sound like an advert I promise you this is not sponsored I just love this game so much. Like so much.

Pass The Bomb – Make sure, as my daughter calls it “your brain is switched on” for this one. A whole lot of the time I will roll the dice and find myself at an ends to think of a word that begins with — I blame the literal ticking time bomb for messing with my already anxious brain. Good game though.

The Ricks Must Be Crazy – Another Matt Hyra game published by Cryptozoic Entertainment where the aim is to generate enough power to build enough contraptions to beat the other players. Something makes me happy inside being able to play as Kyle, I can’t explain it but it does.

Exploding Kittens – No don’t worry, you are not expected to blow up any kittens this game just comes with quite a macabre title, not that I’m complaining. Something that started as a kickstarter project has now sold over 8 million units! Don’t let anybody tell you your kickstarter is stupid you could also be sitting on a diamond.

Anatomy Park – Another from Cryptozoic Entertainment, this time though you are stuck within the deteriorating body of Ruben and need to get out before the curtains call time on this old Santa. You get to mess over your competitors and play with some interesting characters. One of my favourites that’s for sure.

Throw Throw Burrito – I don’t know where to start on this game. Ever wanted an excuse to throw a burrito at your Nan? Enter Throw Throw Burrito. An anxiety inducing battle to the death (not really but it can feel like that) It’s one of the greatest multiplayer party games created since Cards Against Humanity in my opinion.

Banagrams – I love an excuse to play a word game, and something different from Scrabble is just that. Play alone, play against another player its one of those instant classic oldies.

Name 5 – So this is technically a team game but it can be played with just 2 people with a tweaking of the rules, you race against time to name all 5.. makes sense it’s more fun than you might think

In Order To Win – Such a fun game to play with friends, you are given a question and told to put the answers in order you bet on if you think you can get it right and so do your friends, time to find out how much your friends are willing to bet on you

Cards Against Humanity – I hardly think I need to explain this game to you, all I will say is whenever I am gathered with friends or family I am always devestated I don’t carry at least a travel version

Your Worst Nightmare – You would be surprised with how deep this game can go, list your fears in order and list another players in the order you think they would then watch the horror that ensues

The Cube – Did you ever watch that show and think I could do that, play this and you might just change your mind

Cranium – Any excuse to play with play dough am I right? This one is so fun to play with the family and even the kids can join on this one

Are you a robot? – If your as much of a game addict as me then I’m sure you also like a game you can pull out on the train well this can fit in your wallet! Super simple but super fun all you need to do is convince the other player you are not the robot

Hope you guys enjoyed learning about my collection of games, what do you want think of these games? Leave your thoughts in the comments

9 Harry Potter Things You Need To Buy Immediately

Harry Potter broke in to our lives and into the hearts of children everywhere in 1997 not long later Princess Diana was killed, so, having a book that tells of a world filled with magic was something quite reassuring to the children at the time. I know I personally was one of those children that definitely needed something to help me escape the macabre home life I was in and here came The boy who lived, the boy who against the odds could do it all and I was hooked. Since then nothing has changed, my love and fascination with the wizarding world grew with every new book and movie and now here we are with me pawing through the internet gazing in awe at some of the wizarding world themed items I can now own. Here are just a few from my personal to buy list that I think everybody should have their eyes on!

Lego Hogwarts Castle

I can’t even begin, I nearly screamed when this was released by Lego, I adore Lego, like way to much (like will happily sit and watch people build Lego sets on youtube for hours love)The idea of little tiny Lego Potter and Hagrid is one that fills me with all kinds of happy thoughts but at a staggering £349.99 I think it will be sat on my to buy list for some time.

Lego Hogwarts Express

So Lego now have 18+ sets of Harry Potter themed sets and whilst every single one of them is something I desperately want if I listed them all this would be more of a product advertisement for Lego and that isn’t what I’m going for. Not yet at least. So, in the spirit of keeping my list a small list I will leave it at just this one as an addition. Lego + Harry Potter + Train set = a very sold me and a whole lot more affordable at £74.99 though still kind of up there, definitely not a Happy Un-birthday gift.

Weasley Christmas Jumper

Always wanted me one of these jumpers which you can pick up from Merchoid for £36.99 but only with the original “H” or “R” which I personally would like one to start with my name, which is A. Which leaves me at either learning to knit or paying the price for a human to put there care and love into it… I think I will go with the second option I’m not much of a knitter and whoever is making these beauties over at The Witch’s Cabin clearly has heaps of talent and a love for what they do.

The Grim Tea Cup

There are a few different places you can pick up the Grim tea cup but my favourite by far is the one made by MerlissasMenagerie on Etsy go check out their shop the things available are all made so well and are so beautiful. They even offer Winged flying keys (not literally flying) which are iridescent and just beautiful.

Harry Potter Snow Globe

I have always loved snow globes and to anybody who doesn’t I say this, you’re wrong. That is all. Snow globes are magical little worlds and one of my favourite parts of Christmas is my every growing snow globe collection so that might be why this snow globe is on my list but just look at it! It is magnificent, only available at this snow globe has a light up castle a moving train and plays music. Did they read my mind on the perfect snow globe?

Wizards Chess Set

Now, this one may be more of a dream but just look at it. Die-cast zinc chess pieces made with the exact detail of the chess pieces from the final challenge sequence in the Philosophers stone. Made by The Noble Collection for an eye watering yet completely fair $424.95 (currently on offer for $361.21 for pre-orders)

Deathly Hallows watch

For those occations where you have to dress up but still want to sneakily geek out this watch is so perfect. Official HP merchandise, made from Silver and decorated with Swarovski Crystals you can buy this from the carat shop for £150.

Gringotts Coins

There is something about a velvet pull string purse filled with large jingly coins that gives me warm fuzzys. Unfortunately our money is no where near as awe inspiring so this collection is definitely high on my to buy list I can at least pretend that life is a little more magical.

Time turner necklace

I honestly don’t know how I don’t already own this, so many times over the years I have been on the verge of buying one but never actually have, it might have something to do with the disappointment I know I will feel when it doesn’t turn time… You can pick up two versions of this necklace on Merchoid a basic gold plated version for £15.99 or a highly detailed gold plated version which comes in a beautiful wooden display case for £49.99, I think its worth the extra but the cheaper version is still lovely.

Have you guys got any other things you think should be on my to buy list or any shops that sell amazing Harry Potter merchandise? If you do drop me a message, you can use the contact form or find my on any of my socials, until next time ladies and germs