We Need to Change How We Talk About Body Positivity.

Hi, I’m Ruby, a 25 year old feminist with a bsc(hons) in Psychology. I’m a hairy, fat, bisexual who believes in body positivity because, “If you can’t love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else.” Can I get an Amen.

What is The Body Positive Movement?

Body positivity is a common hashtag you’ll see used on Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms but it is much more than that. This, is a radical, self-love movement which we should all be able to learn from. The movement has been described by Jessica Cwynar-Horta as:

“a social movement rooted in the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image while challenging the ways in which society presents and views the physical body”

and this is true. For a long time represented in magazines and on television, before social media the bias of the “ideal image” was a thin light-skinned woman, this contributed personally to me and to many others in forming the idea that my body is wrong and isn’t shaped or textured how it is “supposed” to be.

I’ve been on all sizes of the body spectrum, I’ve been smaller as a size 8 and now I’m more plus-size as a size 16-18 and the movement has personally helped me accept my body with all of the changes that it has gone through. My tummy rolls, my stretch marks as well as accepting my body hair has taken a lot of work for me to feel accepted by myself and to healthily deal with criticism from outside points of view. Everyone has to have their own journey in self-love and people deal with it differently. The Body Positive movement has been under fire for misrepresentation of many marginalised groups and misunderstandings in the movement. I’ll explain why I’ve changed how I speak about my radical self-acceptance of my plus size body. 

The Body Positive Movement Was Started by Queer Black Femmes

Starting from the beginning, the Body-Positive movement was started by the first wave of feminists in the 1850s-1890s who protested against the use of modifying your body using tools such as corsets, but where the movement really gained traction was during the 1960s-2000s. According to Psychology Today

“The fat liberation movement of the 1960s was created by queer fat black women for marginalized bodies. This was a safe space for marginalized bodies who had been cast aside by society”. 

In a lot of documentation, it is left forgotten to mention the people who started the backbone of this movement and they are often left out of it in popular social media today. For example, the biggest names in the world of body-positivity and radical self-acceptance are Tess Holliday and Ashley Graham. Although it’s great to see beautiful plus size women in a beautiful light, the fact most models still have a certain hourglass or pear shape leads people feeling underrepresented in the media and therefore the movement is not promoting their goal.   

All bodies are different, yet all people in their bodies should feel beautiful or at least comfortable. It’s important to note that you don’t have to be ecstatic with your body to have body confidence and you can want to change, lose or gain weight healthily but it’s important to learn to accept your body at every shape and size. Learning and teaching Body Confidence is meant to be for everybody and be inclusive regardless of race, gender identity, disabilities and size. However, if we are ever going to make a change, the way we view the movement needs to change. Promoting body confidence and Body Positivity is different in the way that Body Confidence is primarily about loving yourself but The Body Positive Movement is about creating a new world with more representation for marginalized groups.

How Can I Support the Movement?

The point of this article is to express where the term came from, most people are aware of the movement. Whether they have seen radical fat acceptance on social media or the #effyourbeautystandards hashtag. If you are a thin, white person, promoting body confidence is still for you! The aim is for everyone to love their different bodies and recognise that our differences make us beautiful. But, it’s up to all of us to share posts, increase engagement and support the bodies that still aren’t recognised, aren’t empowered and aren’t showcased enough as the works of art that the Human Body is. We can use our platforms to promote different types of bodies, we can help build each other up. We can use social media as a tool to promote influences that are POC, disabled body-positive influencers, LGBTQ+ body-positive influencers. 

I am still learning and willing to learn more about the movement myself, I try to support fellow creators by following body-positive influencers. I use different tags on my content to stop the overpopulation of bodies like mine on the body-positive tags, instead, I use #selflove and #bodyconfidence. This is a way other creators can share that spotlight, it’s that simple!  Following the movement directly on thebodypositive.org has also kept me up to date with what the movement is and what it represents. The site has compiled a list of Black Body Positive Leaders who are changing the game here.

This article is not telling you to not love yourself you are still a huge part of this movement for change. Keep growing, keep learning and keep on celebrating yourself. Your body is absolutely beautiful, all of you. Learn from Body Positivity, promote Body-Positivity and remember that you you deserve to accept and love yourself.  I’d urge anyone wanting to learn to start at the heart with https://thebodypositive.org/.

“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else.” – Ru Paul



Is Body Positivity for All Bodies?

Black Women Started The Body Positivity Movement | HelloBeautiful 

The rise of the body neutrality movement: ‘If you’re fat, you don’t have to hate yourself’


A Beginners Guide To Intermittent Fasting And Its Benefits

What is Intermittent Fasting and Why Should I do it?

Hi, I’m Ruby, a 25 year old feminist with a bsc(hons) in Psychology. I’m a hairy, fat, bisexual who believes in body positivity because, “If you can’t love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else.” Can I get an Amen.

What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Remember, fasting time includes when you’re asleep!

Intermittent fasting (IF) is currently a wildly popular lifestyle improvement technique that people all over the world are using in 2020 and it’s one that has been around for many years. It is, in summary: An eating pattern that cycles between set periods of fasting and eating. The best part about it is that when you are eating you can eat what you want! The aim is to be healthier but who says you can’t enjoy a full Dominos Pizza to yourself once in a while. 

 It seems like a simple way to cut calories and lose a little weight, but contrary to popular belief, this isn’t just another “diet” and it’s not solely undertaken to lose weight, it can also help your body repair itself, can help you with routing and even provide mental clarity studies have shown.

I personally struggle with emotional eating and struggle to eat intuitively, intermittent fasting has helped me get my weight off slowly but also keep it off, it’s also helped me cut down on my sugar addiction. It’s important if you are to start changing your lifestyle to learn all you can before jumping in and don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable or feel unwell so I have provided my take on a beginners guide to intermittent fasting in this article! 

The Benefits of IF

In 2005 it was found that intermittent fasting improved cardiovascular activity in animals and reduced the chance of age-associated diseases. In 2019 a study focusing on the 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating found that the lifestyle lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, inflammation and type 2 diabetes (Malinowski et al., 2020). This is said to be partially due to the weight loss that fasting can assist with but also because of the changes in the amount of sugar a person regularly intakes when eating in intervals. As IF encourages a person to drink a lot more water to reduce symptoms of hunger and keep them hydrated this has been reported to be beneficial as well. As this is a beginners guide, I have linked a Healthline article that has compiled a list of 10 evidence-based health benefits that have links to academic studies cited. 

The different types of fasting

If you are new to IF, there are three most popular types of intermittent fasting, 

  • The 16:8 method in which you don’t eat for 16 hours and eat in an 8-hour window. This one is probably the most popular and sustainable as you often only miss either, breakfast if you are doing an early fast or dinner if you do a late fast. Remember: Fasting time includes when you’re asleep! 
  •  The 5:2 method which is when you eat regularly for 5 days a week but on two days you will only consume 500–600 calories per day. 5 days eating 2 days fasting. I personally could not do this, so my hat tips off to you.  
  • A popular method to start off with is the circadian rhythm method, which involves fasting for 13 hours (including sleep time) and eating afterwards. This goes with your bodies natural sleep cycle. I  started with the 13 hours of fasting and worked my way up to 16 hours as it’s so much easier. There are ways to ease into fasting and there is no right or wrong way to do this, just do what’s best for you!  

Water Fast or Dirty Fast? 

The traditional water fast is when you only drink water during your fast which is great for keeping yourself hydrated and alleviating hunger when getting used to the lifestyle. But it can make you really tired if you’re a caffeine lover like myself. A lot of people will choose to “dirty fast” which isn’t as gross as it sounds. It just means they choose to drink black coffee which according to Dr Rhonda Patrick can provide benefits such as autophagy of cells which helps your body fight diseases! 

Some fitness gurus say that any calories under 50 do not break your fast and why argue with them if you feel like a little splash of soy milk?! . Drinking coffee, herbal tea or sugar-free drinks can be considered “dirty fasting” but lots of people choose to do this because you will still get healthier and consume less sugar, it just gives you something to taste. 

But it seems like a lot of work?

Intermittent fasting has faced some criticism as all lifestyle changes and diet changes do. People don’t always agree on the “right way” to fast so it’s best to find out what’s comfortable for you! Two free apps that have been a big help to me in my decision on what fast I like best are Zero and Bodyfast which you can access from Google Play or the Apple store.  

The apps have a variety of different fasting plans that you can access to get used to IF. They also have timers to notify you on your smartphone or tablet when your fast is ready to start and when it ends, this can help you make sure that you still eat when needed and stop you from clockwatching like I did. The apps both have paid coach versions which can assist you and give you support but you can also access support from lots of forums. 

An Important Note:

With starting any lifestyle changes, it is also important that you speak to your doctor before undergoing drastic changes, it isn’t for everyone and that’s okay. Intermittent fasting has the benefits of increased mental clarity and concentration but this is due to a spike in the cortisol levels which is the hormone responsible for stress. While this method has helped people including myself, you should always pay attention to your body and not to restrict yourself in ways that will make you feel physically or mentally unwell. 


  1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide
  2.  Cardioprotection by intermittent fasting in rats.
  3. . Intermittent Fasting in Cardiovascular Disorders—An Overview
  4.  https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-health-benefits-of-intermittent-fasting#section6
  5. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/what-type-of-fasting-is-best-rhonda-patrick

Useful links to be aware of if you’re struggling:

BEAT: UK based eating disorder support –  https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/ 0808 801 0677 
Eating Disorder Hope: International resources for eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/treatment-for-eating-disorders/international